What kind of physical effects do various drugs have?
Question by Maria: What kind of physical effects do various drugs have?
In other words, how can you tell, by looking at a person, what drugs they’re on.
How do you know whether somebody is on coke, meth, LSD, or THC?
Best answer:
Answer by Scientist VK ☢
Cocaine and Methamphetamine are CNS stimulants. When people use these they become full of energy and enthusiasm. Their pupils become constricted (miosis) as well.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is a hallucinogen. This can cause the person to believe that they are insightful or fearful of the LSD experience depending on the dosage. Your pupils to dilate (mydriasis) and saliva production increases.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in weed that gets you high. THC can make you calm, slur your words and can lead to psychosis.
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