what are the signs of a meth user?
Question by admspc: what are the signs of a meth user?
i think my girl is messin up and ill leave her in a heart beat if i had some proof. heres what she does. stays up late like till the sun shines again. her eyes a dialated sometimes in the brightest sun. she has admited to haveing a problem in the past. in the last week told me that some of her so called friends have made a stop with her in the car to get meth ( but she expressed that she didnt like it,,, then the next day hung out with one of the girls that was invloved with the whole thing. i dont really want to talk to her because i areadt told here if i fond out she was useing i was leaving. i care tomuch about my self to get hung up on somecrack head female. although i have tried to advise her so stay abuot from the drug useing type and try to get in to school and educate her mind rather then destroy it. but socalled friends from the forrmer drug useing life seem to always pop up and want to hang out with her. so please tell me some of the signs..
Best answer:
Answer by Celeste P
Seems to me you have all the proof you need. If she continues to see people she has confessed to being users then she is going to do it again. BTW, because your so against it she won’t tell you she is doing it. Fear makes them hide from the ones wanting to help them.
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