Okay Im back, asking you to be my jury! Custody issue here?

Well i was a real good momma , I thought. My children were 18 months and 3 years old when my ex surprised me and servd me with a petition for custody. I had left him, took the kids and moved in with grandma.The ex and I were both using drugs, he drank everyday-I was more of a weekend drinker, we both on ocassion used cocaine after a night drinking-Me one line, him a lot. After I was served with papers I appeared in court a few days later. He demanded I be tested for drugs-A shock to me, cuz I figure we both are gonna lose the kids. HE WAS CLEAN, I was dirty-SHOCK!! He knew it was coming, I didn’t. I immediatly called and got help for my problems. Now, almost two years later, I am remarried to a wonderful man whom has a daughter, does not drink or use, he has supported me 100% in my recovery, I attend AA, sponsor a woman myself,have beeen through drug out patient rehab for 2 months last year. over 150 hours of counseling and I am happy, clean and sober, with 10 drug test (hair, and urine) to prove it.
In the beginning the oppsing lawyer demanded that I give up custody of the girls to get help for 90 days. 90 days came and went one and a half years ago. We went back to court and they all laughed and said “that wasn’t written in the record”. Bad attorney I had.. I used to get the girls everyother weekend. They were always sick as dogs, bleeding diaper rashes,ear infections e.t.c I always took them to the doctor and helped them, because he would not. Then they accused me of having Munchausen syndrome by proxy! Then they insisted on Supervised visits only. Then they put me on supervised after having a P.I follow me last year and he lied in his testimony about seeing me take the kids to see my father whom had an injunction on him not to see the girls because they dug up an old charge that was public lewdness from 1986! They won-supervised visits only for me. I pay $200.00 a week to see my girls for 4 hours. This actually turned out to not be so bad, because the supervisor documents all the abuse the girls are claiming, the jealous new 15 year younger girlfriends negative comments about me, e.t.c Now comes trial in a few months, I have opted for a jury of my peers. His side of the story- A bad mom who was on drugs and her family has a history of drug abuse (yep, family of origin issue here). Me- A mom who has proof I paid all the bills, he never worked, has no tax returns, sold dope (will have witnesses), used drugs, had DWI, jailed 7 times in the past 7 years for tickets, has been through no recovery, drinks like a fish daily and in the car with kids (they tell on him) ,non payment of his support for his son, warrants for bad checks e.t.c. I also despite my smoking weed a couple times a week, took my children to the library, parks,had great b-day parties, was very involved in every aspect of their life. Now of course I can do even better with NO addictions. Let me know what yall think my chances are of regaining custody. I hear the longer the kids are there, the harder it will be to get them back with me. They cry when they leave me, they beg to come and live with me, this is all documented. But the law in my state clearly states-There must be a substantial or material change to warrant the removal from him of custody-I think it’s there do you?
sad lost mommy without my babies