Benefit from Outpatient Drug Counseling | Rehab After Work | Cinnaminson, NJ (856) 735-1010

Benefit from Outpatient Drug Counseling | Rehab After Work | Cinnaminson, NJ (856) 735-1010 – Outpatient Drug Counseling can help you to recover from an addiction with a strong support group. Rehab After Work i…


BSU tracks stalking, dating violence
Because of the new law, in its next annual campus security report, due Oct. 1, Ball State must provide statistics not only for forcible sex offenses, drug and alcohol violations, burglary, robbery, vehicle theft and other crimes but also for acts of … Read more on Muncie Star Press

Homelessness and the prison cycle
"In Drug Court, for instance, we're having lots of success, but it's really hard to get them housing when they are coming out of treatment or jail…. We've got some great mental health services in Winona, but we don't have good housing for people … Read more on Winona Post

Toxicology report uncovers student death
Kiernan Gamel, substance abuse specialist at Albion College's counseling services, recognizes the danger cold temperatures pose to drinking students. Gamel has been a substance abuse counselor at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirago, Calif., and also … Read more on Albionpleiad