what do u think of these tablets for weight loss?

Question by Babiiee <3: what do u think of these tablets for weight loss?

please give me ur openion

Best answer:

Answer by John T
I am against all kinds of weight loss tablets, period.

Answer by Colin
Ok first off, if they misspell ingredients on their web page, this is not a good start. This has scam written all over it. To see the complete scam template scroll down. This pill has the magical KONICING NUT and GAMBOGE FRUIT both grown in the Kingdom of Green Vegitation. Yea. Ok. I have no idea what these herbs contain, and I’m guessing the creators of this pill don’t either. So this is how it works: (CLAIM 1) Boosting fat metabolism and blocking the non-fat material converting into fat. Ok, Pretty much only stimulants will do the first claim and they don’t do it fantasticly well; the second claim just doesn’t make sense at all to me. Are they’re saying it prevents your body from converting sugar into fat? Well, have fun in that diabetic coma from hyperglycemia if this is true. (CLAIM 2) Clinic experiments have proved that Magrim power Capsule could speed up metabolism by as high as 10 times.
Ok, They don’t do “clinic testing”. At least the all important double-blind drug administration clincial testing with a control group and regulated by the scientific method and the FDA.

….made my point giving up now. Now for their template, one size fits all folks!


Here is the scam that has been carbon copied thousands of times, and this is template #1a: (1) Find a few herbs used in ancient asian medicine that have claims to whatever suits your products desired result. (2) Say it does whatever you want because herbal medicines are not controlled by the FDA, even though they probably do contain some active plant alkoloids like Ma Huang can be an ingredient in your new pill, but not extracted ephedrine (active alkoloid of this herb). Caffeine is in guarana berries so you can say: Ingredients : Ma huang, guarana extract..etc..and you don’t have to say anything else. Now if you said Caffeine and ephedrine as your “ingerdients”(off their website) the FDA requires you to list the exact amount in milligrams per dose or pill. A feat of precision none of these companies can do. (3) No consistant dosage: since they don’t know what is in each pill as far as mg’s and other alkoloids they can’t tell you accurately how many to take safely. One batch could have 10x the amount of one active ingredient as another. No processing except a blender is used. Who knows? (4) No research. They just put 5 ground plants that have folklore medicinal backgrounds together, tell you it works, and viola! the placebo effect earns another $ 20-$ 30. Their clinical trials probably rival the same drug testing clinical guidelines I used in college for personal use. (5) People believe it works because they feel some physiological response i.e. rapid heart rate, sweating, excess energy…all mild (hopefully)..but reinforcing non-the-less. (6) Market to your target audience in women’s and men’s health magazines, internet sites…just about everywhere there is someone waiting to be taken advantage of. (7) Stimulants will cause you to burn more fat, but its negligible and will only happen if you work out with them. Excercising with stimulants is VERY dangerous, because you are already pushing your heart and organs; and stimulants add to this. Also dehydration happens easily with caffeine (its a diuretic) and who knows what else is in those herbs (lots of toxic stuff in plants; nutmeg will make hallucinate if taken in tablespoon doses)

No pill will burn fat without exercise. There are drugs that drastically change your body’s metabolism like cocaine and meth. You will lose weight with these if you’re dumb enough to use them. These drugs release extra sugar into the blood stream because they mimic the body in an adrenaline rush (that is they are sympathomimetic) therefore causing more sugar to be burned releasing your body’s sugar reserves, which are stored in fat. These drugs will kill you if you try to exercise on them and guess what, Ma Huang or ephedra is meth’s baby cousin. Also, whatever the benefit from drug induced anorexia and hyperglycemia is, it’s overshadowed by certain insomnia, severe hangover depression, very high addiction rate, and a life failure rate of about 100%.

So, eat right, work out. There are no shortcuts in life. You want something you have to work to get it. Want to be a millionaire in just 1 week? You will have to do some pretty incredible work, or have 1:23,000,000 odds on your side. Or, you could buy my new program for just $ 29.95. Email me for the Secrets to Success….

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