My nose is all stopped up!?
Question by His Wife: My nose is all stopped up!?
Help me! My nose is totally stopped up on both sides! I can’t stand it! I have tried Dayquil/Nyquil, Benadryl Sinus and Allergy stuff, nose spray, and a neti pot. The only thing that works so far is the nose spray, but I know it’s addicting and I don’t want that to happen! Can you suggest any techniques or medicines you use when you are really stopped up? Thanks to all who answer!!
Oh, I don’t want to go to the doctor since it’s just a stopped up nose!
Best answer:
Answer by thebagladyinedmonton
go to the doctor. if you’ve tried everything, it’s obviously something other than allergies.
Answer by SGT V
Yes you need to be very cautious when using sprays such as Afrin. The problem is rebound congestion. If you use Afrin (for example) do not use for more than 3 days consecutively. Now, you claim the only symptom you have is congestion. There is usually an underlying cause for serious nasal congestion. So eventually you need to see a doctor and get it evaluated. But, I know some tricks as I have been suffering from chronic, bilateral, maxillary sinusitis for about 35 years now. First.. stay away from the Dayquil/Nyquil products as they contain numerous medications that you do not need.
1) Go to local chain pharmacy Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and purchase the following: A) Vapor Bath (found in the baby section) B) Sudafed (pseudoephederine Hcl). Check the WebMD link below for side effects and precautions in case of medical problems that might be aggravated by the use of the medication. There are 2 types of Sudaphed (Wal-phed at Walgreen’s same drug… 40% or more cheaper). You want the one that is kept behind the counter. It is kept there because “methamphetamine addicts use it to make their meth”. The new, improved version does not work nearly as well. C) Saline Spray… it is just salt water but once you get unclogged it will keep your nasal membranes moist and you can use it as often as needed without fear.
Now take these supplies and go home.Take a Sudafed immediately. Either take a bath in hot water (as hot as you can stand without burning yourself) with 2-4 ozs. of vapor bath in about 10 inches of water. Breathe in through your nose and exhale out through your mouth. You can do the same thing on your stove top boil some water with 1-2 ozs. of vapor bath in it, remove from heat, take a towel and drape it over your head (forming a tent) and follow the in through nose out through mouth. Another thing to try is take 2 washcloths… run under hot water, wring out and place one over your cheeks and nose and one on your forehead. Take the Sudafed every 4 hours and if you get an opening use the saline spray and try blowing the clogs out. There is an underlying cause as you most likely have sinus congestion. The moist washcloths will heat up the trapped mucous in your sinuses and allow you to get it out. One other thing is old fashioned vicks Vap-o-rub.. put a small amount just inside each nostril. If you still have difficulties you need to get to a doctor as there is something blocking you nasal passages. Could just be some allergic type swelling or a nasal polyp. Feel free to contact me if you continue to have problems and/or my treatments work, they should. Best of luck as I know how much not being able to breathe through your nose can make you crazy.
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