what kind of doctor/hospital do i need to visit to get a prescription for Klonopin?

Question by Hasan: what kind of doctor/hospital do i need to visit to get a prescription for Klonopin?
can i just go to “denver health center” or do i have to go to a sertain hospital? if i can what kind of dr would i be asking to see?
and i have the best insurence ever that ussually covers everything in almost any case, just wondering if benzo’s could be payed by companies or if its like the “over the counter” stuff you have to pay for ur self?

thank you!
@Rick B, im new in america and still learning english. thanx for correcting me though! 🙂
@Rick B. I get depressed allot, cant sleep well most of the time, get a strange muscle tightening feeling, thousands of thoughts keep messing around my brain too much, and all that makes me get fresturated alot too and it gets worse cuz i keep it inside me instead of letting it out

Best answer:

Answer by Rick B
Your spelling is AMAZINGLY BAD!
Certain, not sertain
Insurance, not insurence

In any case, why do you feel you need this medicine? Your symptoms would determine the type of doctor.

Answer by JL
Klonopin is useful for short term anxiety treatment, as well as other conditions, but taking it long-term can lead to unpleasant complications, i.e. addiction and really difficult withdrawals.

It’s best avoided, in my opinion & experience.

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