Prescription requirement would burden people who suffer allergies

Prescription requirement would burden people who suffer allergies
Haslam and other Tennessee leaders for wanting to do something about our state's meth problem. Every year, too many meth labs are discovered, too many Tennesseans fall into addiction and too many families are impacted by the terrible drug. No matter … Read more on The Tennessean

Kokomo area gets low-interest loans for tornado relief
Meth charges for Peru couple PERU – A Peru couple face nine felony charges after state police found an active meth lab in their trailer Monday night. At approximately 8:30 p.m. … President Barack Obama is expected to sign the mea. February 6, 2014. Read more on Kokomo Tribune

Idnetification of Meth labs – The is a powerpoint that I created as an instructional source for Insurance adjusters in our local area. Identification of Meth Labs and the Hazards that may…