7News – Outrage over toilet cam

7News – Outrage over toilet cam – Adelaide Hills residents are furious after a council installed cameras in a toilet block, but the council insists it has reduced vandalism. Melissa Wildy rep…


Drugs, alcohol factors in accidental falls
21 that MacMannis had marijuana, synthetic LSD and minimal traces of alcohol in his system at the time of his death. King said … The number of students per 1,000 sent to the emergency room for alcohol overdose has gone down from 15.5 to 11.3, Sims said. Read more on Altoona Mirror

Upward trends in opioids, meth and LSD seen in statewide study
The opioid epidemic (including heroin and prescription painkillers) is on the march in Minnesota, with increases in accidental overdose deaths and emergency-room and treatment admissions, says a report [PDF] released Thursday. The report also shows a … Read more on MinnPost.com