Can one drink too much water?

Question by Dan S: Can one drink too much water?
Over the past 3-4 months, I’ve found myself craving water and drinking as much as 1.5 gallons in a day. Water even smells good to me, and it seems I can’t get enough, whether it’s hot or cold outside. Is this new “addiction” healthy?

Best answer:

Answer by narutou9
yes you can you can drink too much water to the point where it overflows from your stomach and into your lungs drowning you. And 1.5 gallons is a lot of water in a day but that wont kill unless maybe if you drink it all at one time and the extreme thirst is your body saying telling you that it needs water for whatever reason. I have had the same thing before where i just couldn’t get enough water never as long as 3-4 months though i would say if this persists too much longer than see a doctor because your body might be having a hard time holding water for some reason

Answer by Simon E
Can be a sign of diabetes! Get a blood sugar test done!

I only say this as you have a craving for it. 1.5 gallons is within limits.

Studies have been carried out on twins where one drinks 8 ltrs a day and the other just normal when felt like it (like most of us do) At the end of 2 months tests were carried out to measure hydration, elasticity of skin etc and results proved we don’t need to drink all this excess water. I drink when I feel like it, I gym, cycle and active mostly. I am very healthy, good skin and 40 yrs old.

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