E-Street Question: Should or will pot ever be legal?

E-Street Question: Should or will pot ever be legal?
Drugs are a commodity in demand and addiction is a health problem. Cease the endless stream of money going to try to change it AND put the money into treatment & health resources. THAT would make sense!! Not only would I be in favour of legalizing pot. Read more on The Province

Column: Mental health
After several weeks of drinking, she returns to crack cocaine. She knows she needs help, but … They wait in a crowded treatment area for most of the night until someone can help them ease this young woman's mental health crisis. In many North … Read more on Gaston Gazette

Rob Ford saga gets the Ken Burns treatment in David Letterman's 'The
It leaned heavily on Ford's admission that he used crack cocaine in “one of his drunken stupors” from Nov. 5 and his suggestion that he would be taking legal action against a waiter who claimed Ford was seen “doing lines at the Bier Markt” from Nov. Read more on National Post