What is a Methadone Clinic?
Question by Princess: What is a Methadone Clinic?
I was watching law and order and they were waiting outside for someone to walk in to a Methadone Clinic because they knew the person would need a fix. So now I am wondering what they do there? Do they give them a fix and hand out Meth?
Best answer:
Answer by ash h
Methadone clinic is to help people get off heroin they give them medicine called methadone to get off of it
or methadone pills are used as ana pain blocker
Answer by AnotherYahoo
No, you don’t get high off of it but it is a synthetic opioid that they usually give in liquid form. You were probably watching an older episode? This was a big issue in the early 90’s and they liked to put it on shows like that. Methadone is nothing like the “meth” that you are talking about which refers to methamphetimines. Methadone is given to heroin addicts because it keeps them from getting high but doesn’t give them the problems of withdrawal. Make sense now?
three teens arrested for making meth – three teens arrested for making meth.