Drug Abuse Can Be Eliminated in Schools

Drug Abuse Can Be Eliminated in Schools
Those that are found in possession of drugs and alcohol are always expelled to send a serious message to the rest of the learners about the risks involved in drug abuse. However, the prevailing circumstances seem to suggest … how the students smuggle … Read more on AllAfrica.com

NM county settles jail death for 0K
Substance abuse history. Medical records, including jail documents, clearly showed that Rodriguez had an extensive history of drug and alcohol abuse that often led to severe withdrawal symptoms during times of abstinence, Wild wrote. According to Wild … Read more on CorrectionsOne

Breaking the link between ADHD and addiction
While symptoms, which include restlessness in work and relationships and impulsivity, can be adapted to fit in with the demands of life, the link between ADHD and substance abuse is impossible to ignore. "One theory is that people are using substances … Read more on Medical Xpress

The FDA is Pushing For Greater Restrictions on Prescription Painkillers: Now
Many will resort to more potent, drugs like Heroin or expensive replacement therapies like Suboxone (Buprenorphine) which can cause even worse withdrawal symptoms than Hydrocodone.” Heroin use is on the rise. The comeback seen in heroin use has … Read more on Newsday