Portman murder witness a 'shocking liar'

Portman murder witness a 'shocking liar'
"The only evidence to suggest Mr Addison had any involvement whatsoever is from the mouth of Mr Rigby, a convicted criminal, a meth addict – and his veracity has been challenged regularly through this trial. Treat his evidence with some caution … Read more on 3News NZ

Image Credit: Dan Longmire/Comedy Central
In fact, I'm sure many people found it extremely offensive, but I will never stop being entertained by Crazy Mike, the resident meth addict, or just the overall stupidity of my favorite cops. I'll end this trip down memory lane with one of my favorite … Read more on Entertainment Weekly

Police arrest possible drunk driver
When police told Whittemore he would have to submit to a blood test at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital, Whittemore yelled "I am a meth addict and a heroin addict … " before struggling with one officer. Police said alcohol might have been a factor in … Read more on Muncie Star Press

JayDaily: SHAQ FU – During the rant, consider skipping to 2:10. It’s funny…