Prescription drug epidemic on the rise

Prescription drug epidemic on the rise
This was an addiction. An addiction that he now treats each month. His addiction is reflective of an alarming, but little-known trend. In the United States, the abuse of prescription drugs now exceeds the abuse of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and … Read more on Miami Student

NRO's Prager Desperately Touts More Matthew Shepard Trutherism
Given his determination to call out allegedly biased or unreliable critics, you'd think Prager would apply the same scrupulous standards of objectivity and reliability to Jimenez's sources. They include confessed meth addicts, a disbarred attorney who … Read more on Media Matters for America (blog)

Photo story: Former drug dealer draws on past experiences to help others in need
Bennett made a living on the streets by cooking and selling meth. He was a drug addict and an alcoholic, but now he speaks regularly at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. He is currently reading Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers, a book about the early … Read more on Downtown Devil