CAPTAIN Street Outreach team seeks out homeless youth (with video)

CAPTAIN Street Outreach team seeks out homeless youth (with video)
CAPTAIN Outreach project Sarah Yaddow and Charlie "Sleepy" Howe in Troy during their drop in center they hold on Friday's at the Gospel Church parking lot. They passed out card to random children on the streets waiting for the busses or walking around. Read more on cnweekly

Summit to address drug abuse
Also during interviews for drug crimes, Spriggs said the deputies often find that users start as teens and the habit worsens. Boredom and desire to fit in seem like common reasons that teens have started using drugs, he said, and parents don't see the … Read more on Forsyth County News Online

“People have smartened up to the fact that Rob Ford doesn't tell the truth.”
Transcripts of those wiretaps that are supposed to reveal all about his coversations with his alleged drug dealer Sandro Lisi – and others involved in efforts by his office to retrieve that infamous video of the mayor smoking crack – were ordered … Read more on NOW Magazine