Should we enact fertilizer and average kitchen ingredient “control” laws, so bombs can’t be made?

Question by Corrine: Should we enact fertilizer and average kitchen ingredient “control” laws, so bombs can’t be made?

Best answer:

Answer by Brown9510
We have.

Answer by Nuclearsuntan
Why dont we ban alcohol in the United States? Some people drink too much alcohol and get behind the wheel of a car and end up killing innocent people INCLUDING CHILDREN. If we ban alcohol then drinking and driving ceases, as do the senseless killing of other drivers and pedestrians.

Yes, this will undoubtedly punish those that drink responsibly, but isnt enough, enough? We lose more Americans to alcohol related automobile accidents hourly than we do guns monthly. if we take booze away, nobody will be able to drink right? Or does the media not beat the drinking and driving drum enough for those of you that cant make up your own mind?

Afterall, do we really need alcohol to make us feel better? If you need a substance to make you feel better, you obviously have an emotional or mental problem.

Same thing with assault rifles by your logic.