What does it mean when you have a dream were black people are aliens?
Question by josh: What does it mean when you have a dream were black people are aliens?
What does it mean when you have a dream were black people are aliens and they try to inject you with something that turns you into one of them and then a Honduran man comes and saves you? Yes I really had that dream I was in a mall and there was this Indian man who was injecting people and helping the black people which were aliens.
Best answer:
Answer by Salvador Dali
It means you probably overdosed and passed out.
Answer by Sam
It means absolutely nothing. Dreams are random thoughts created by your brain. If you are aware you are dreaming during a dream you can take control of it and by doing so you would change the “meaning” of the dream. You’ll have 4-5 dreams a night but will only remember 1 or 2
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