I think my friend might be mentally ill?

Question by Nat: I think my friend might be mentally ill?
I’m not trying to be mean, I am really concerned.
Anyway, all he ever talks about is meth, whenever someone says they can’t sleep, he sees someone with sores or acne, he sees someone with bad teeth he suspects meth. Whenever the police go to one of the apartments (we live in an apartment complex) he’s always like
“I wonder if they found a meth lab.”
When we go to the club he’s always like
“I wonder if we’ll meet any meth addicts.”
He can’t go like five minutes without mentioning meth.
Does he sound like he might be mentally ill or could it be something else?

Best answer:

Answer by Beans
Sounds like an over-used joke to me. Tell him he isn’t funny. He’ll get over it.

Answer by grozelle
I think that his slight obsession with the drug might be a cause for concern. maybe you should talk to him or a parent about it if it worries you that much. however I don’t think that he is mentally ill.
hope that helped, good luck 🙂

Meth heads gone wild – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.