The Confession
The Confession
But the first question to the boxer was, "Mr. Chuvalo, you know something about substance abuse, do you think the mayor has a problem?" There were … And there are signs the once solid support for him in what is called "Ford Nation" is beginning to crack. Read more on CTV News
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford refuses to resign despite crack cocaine admission
At a press conference that followed months of accusations over Ford's drug use, the mayor vowed to stay in office, stating that he “was elected to do a job and that is exactly what I'm going to continue to do.” In an apparent reference to his smoking … Read more on Al Jazeera America
World briefs: Chemical weapons sites destroyed in Syria
The move raised hopes the rebels might sign a peace settlement after 19 months of a brutal insurgency that displaced thousands of people in eastern Congo's North Kivu area. Colombia, rebels set deal … TORONTO — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford had to explain … Read more on Pittsburgh Post Gazette
LaFonse Dixon found guilty in the murder of Celeste Fronsman
Dixon and two codefendants, Katrina “KC” Culberson and Monica Washington, lit Fronsman on fire and left her to die because they believed she leaked information to police about Dixon's drug business, according to testimony by Culberson and Washington … Read more on Massillon Independent