Please help me with an alcoholic.?

Question by jenna2softball2: Please help me with an alcoholic.?
My mom is no doubt an alcoholic. She has been drunk almost everyday for the past month and a half. Last year I had to quit dance because she couldn’t drive me to any of the practices. (Because she is drunk everyday) And my dad is always at work. Also she was always drunk at the competitions and its so embarrassing! My dad and my brother and sister and I trying to figure out what to do. Please don’t say “she needs help” because we obviously know that. Any ideas on how to help a thirteen year old deal with it?

Best answer:

Answer by Chaos
try calling the city or your local school administration, try to get her on counseling, or take away her spending money and alcohol, and if your local law permits you can try to get an authorization from a judge or from the city hall to notify local alcohol sellers not to distribute alcohol to her.

Answer by Daniel
Hide her money and keys.

Rockport Goings On
Thursday — Alcoholics Anonymous closed book meeting, noon to 1 p.m., Rockport Baptist Church, 2 High St. Alcoholics Anonymous “Men in Recovery” men's speaker discussion meeting, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church. Friday — Alcoholics Anonymous … Read more on Gloucester Daily Times

Buzzkill: Experts say more young women are starting to binge on booze
"We're trying to raise awareness about the impacts of alcohol, helping students understand how alcohol fits into what they want or don't want." Caroline Miller, a UW-Madison alumna and president of the Connect House Sober Living Foundation, also has … Read more on

Community calendar
Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step support group, each Thursday, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Hill Air Force Base Chapel Annex, Room 18-19. 801-603-8047. Grief Support Group coordinated by Applegate Hospice, 3 p.m., … This program offers licensed cosmetologists … Read more on El Estándar