Fox News's Bob Beckel Tells His Story of Alcoholism at a Gala Dinner

Fox News's Bob Beckel Tells His Story of Alcoholism at a Gala Dinner
Beckel's USA Today co-columnist, Cal Thomas, introduced him, calling him “a no-nonsense man” and lauding Beckel for his efforts to help other alcoholics. “Bob has visited people in the DC jail,” Thomas said. “He's been thrown up on, punched in the face … Read more on (blog)

Violent crime down in Flagstaff by 11 percent
Sgt. Cory Runge of the Flagstaff Police Department said officers were able to reduce the number of sexual assaults by cracking down on alcohol-related offenses. … “If they just did these things, they would help us reduce crime in Flagstaff,” Runge … Read more on Arizona Daily Sun

Helping Addicts Off the Streets: A Legacy of Lives Restored
He traveled to Washington, where he lectured a panel of Senators about the dangers of simply issuing checks to addicts and alcoholics and declared, “You are helping them to commit suicide on an installment plan.” Coté's Step 13 program is designed to … Read more on (blog)

What alcoholics do for alcohol. – Sheblyy climbs the tree to retreieve the beer stuck in it.