How strict are immigration officers about “deemed rehabilitation” when it comes to crossing the Canada border?
Question by voodoo: How strict are immigration officers about “deemed rehabilitation” when it comes to crossing the Canada border?
I am heading to Canada and don’t want to drive all the way to the border to find out that I can’t cross due to a criminal infraction about 8 years ago.
Best answer:
Answer by ali
strick. My man came from the us when he had no record and now that he got into a lil fight now he cant go back until he becomes a citizen here in canada. i know they give you a hard time about that, and you should phone your immigration for your province and ask them, thats the best advise i could give you, they would be the only ones to tell you whither or not you could pass…
Answer by David H
I have crossed the border a number of times, and both the Canadian and American Border Patrols ask similar question.
1. Where are you travelling to??
2. Are you a citizen of the U.S or Canada?, you will be asked for a proof of citizenship, drivers licence, passport or picture ID.
3. Coming back they will ask, “Do you have anything to declare?”, noting the limits to alcohol and tobacco importation.
4. How long have you been out of the country?
If you act suspecious or seem to be afraid to answer the questions, they may pull you aside and do a fuller more detailed check, but most times it is a 2-4 minute in and out, depending on the traffic and the border crossing you are come in and out from.
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