Mike:Do some recovering alcoholics benefit frombenzos under medical supervion?

Question by george h: Mike:Do some recovering alcoholics benefit frombenzos under medical supervion?
The AA crowd acts like taking these medications is dealing with old demon rum himself? Are they never helpful as a part of a medically supervised recovery program? Has anyone seriously studied this? Given the high estimated prevalence of this disorder there should be a lot of opinions on this. I believe that AA is biased on this subject, because they will tend to exclude admitted medication users from their organizations. Has the scientific medical community taken a stand on this issue?

Best answer:

Answer by freshbliss
If you need them to prevent seizures, I’m all for them. Booze is the only drug where you can die from not using it…so I’m for them. Nuff said….

And it says right in the literature that no one can exclude you as long as you have a desire to stop drinking.

There are plenty of people who have been to treatment centers in AA, and I’m guessing a lot of them were treated with various drugs at the time….it would be rather hypocritical of them to judge you, no? and if they do, screw ’em. They dont have to live your recovery.

And there are a lot of opinions on this….google “addiction medicine” and “acute alcohol withdrawl” – do a check in google scholar too….

Good luck

Answer by cynthia h
I would think that because people tend to start self medicating themselves for things like anxiety and depression with alcohol, that getting them onto the right medication would be crucial for their recovery. but they may see it as another crutch…so are glasses, or a wheelchair, or asthma meds, or antibiotics…they are all tools used to make us healthier. I don’t care if they use electric shock or hypnosis…get the help you need. Why am I so rilled up about this? my son is currently in the middle of trying to stop drinking in a real self destructive manner at the age of 23…and he certainly will need the help of anti anxiety and depression medications…or anything they can think of it will help.
let no one judge you, you be the leader. good luck and good health.

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