State trains drug-recognition officers in wake of ruling

State trains drug-recognition officers in wake of ruling
“Everybody knows what drunk looks like. Not everybody knows what meth looks like.” DREs focus on the more “subtle” signs in drivers while on patrol. “You look for a wide turn, crossing the line, taking an extra second or two to realize the light is … Read more on Yakima Herald-Republic

South Point man gets prison time in meth case
The deputy dispatched to the scene called for assistance after speaking with the resident and two other individuals and allegedly witnessing signs of meth activity. Also arrested in connection with the lab were Eric Roach 35, of 1529 County Road 1, and … Read more on Ironton Tribune

Woman Arrested for Allegedly Striking Napa Police Officer
After displaying signs of drug use, Arneson allegedly admitted having a methamphetamine pipe in her possession. Arneson was searched, which revealed suspected morphine and other pills and a glass smoking pipe with a usable amount of suspected … Read more on