crack cocaine addicts that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651
crack cocaine addicts that makes a differance – 1-855-885-8651 – Are you or a Loved one Continually battle with Cocaine Addiction, we can provide help with addiction inpatient treatment. Cocaine Abuse harms the Whole Famil…
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom separate over drug use
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom have separated over Odom's addiction to crack cocaine, according to TMZ. Odom allegedly refused a family attempt at intervention last week, causing Kardashian to throw him out of the couple's home. According to TMZ … Read more on Oakland Press
Man Runs From Police, 40 Grams of Crack Cocaine Found in Car
A man and a woman were arrested Thursday after police allegedly found crack cocaine and marijuana in their car after a traffic stop. Charles Walmsley … Police searched the car and found almost 40 grams of crack cocaine and a half an ounce of marijuana. Read more on
Toronto mayor says has smoked 'a lot of' marijuana
TORONTO — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who denied allegations earlier this year that he was caught smoking crack cocaine on camera, casually admitted on Wednesday that he has smoked "a lot of" marijuana. The offhand comment by the leader of Canada's … Read more on
Caldwell police find 25 bags of crack cocaine on man after pulling over car
CALDWELL — A Pennsylvania man pulled over for a motor vehicle violation had 25 bags of crack cocaine in his car, Caldwell police said. Police stopped Wayne Saxton, 36, of Greentown, Pa. just after 4 a.m. Sunday on Bloomfield Avenue. Saxton is charged … Read more on Hunterdon County Democrat –