How To Recognize and Stop Elder Abuse

How To Recognize and Stop Elder Abuse
In less than the time it takes to read this sentence — just five seconds — a senior citizen in this country will be the victim of some sort of physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse. That's two dozen elderly abused while you brushed your … Read more on New Hampshire Magazine

/Don't Ignore the Warning Signs of Drug Abuse. Find Out the Truth with Our In
Are you concerned that your child might be using drugs? You may be right! Gateway Drug Screening has developed a home drug testing program for parents to use within the comfort and privacy of their own home to determine whether or not their children … Read more on

Our view: Can't ignore signs of abuse
It's not that it's invisible: We've likely all seen signs of abuse in some of the people we encounter. Those signs often are excused away. Perhaps our sister is sore from running a marathon. Kids get bruises from playing, right? Maybe his wife did walk … Read more on Northwest Herald