Drugs… Your opinion?

Question by That One Guy…: Drugs… Your opinion?
Now, I’m not one of those people who say “OOOHH weed isn’t bad for you man!” Because let’s face it, NOTHING you *smoke* is healthy. But I do occasionally smoke marijuana. What are your thoughts on natural drugs, such as opium or even psychedelic mushrooms or coca leaves (not powder cocaine, just the leaves), as opposed to manufactured drugs like meth, crack, LSD and such? (by the way I’m 14 if that surprises you that I have some bit of intelligence)
I have never, nor will i try opium. When people use too much of one substance of course it’s horrible, I’m speaking, theoretically one time usage, which would you choose, Natural or synthetic and I do realize crack is from cocaine but i’m pretty sure that crack is more dangerous because of the smoke inhalation part although there is more than one way to intake the molecules. I realize all drugs are damaging to the body. And I wasn’t asking for a snobby answer. Thank you for your minutes of degrading me.
Rogan, I understand that opium (I do also know that it is how morphine is made and be morphine heroin is made) is not necessarily better, but I’m asking as a whole, which over which? (Oooh, interesting fact, the government did, in fact, invent heroin for morphine addicted soldiers coming back from war!… And no I’m also not a conspiracy-believing ignoramus. That fact is true.)
And Tink, one more thing there is a huge difference between snorting cocaine and chewing coca leaves as a stimulant.. Please do not insult my intelligence.
Honestly, I have an interest in learning of many things, unlike my a majority of my generations counterparts. I do learn all I can about the pros and cons of drugs, so far.. There are only two I would even think about trying, and that’s IF they were offered to me, I’m not going to go out of my way to find them.

Best answer:

Answer by Tink
I think more natural drugs have killed man than synthetic ones ever have. I enter for you exhibit A

My mistake….I read that punctuation wrong…I did read that as if you smoked opium….

By the way….crack is made from cocaine and some simple chemicals you have in your kitchen. Do you really consider baking soda highly synthetic? Or are you one of those snobby “purists” already?

Edit: At 14, I’m not sure how much intelligence you wanna be all self-righteously defending when it comes to drug use.

Answer by Rogan
Weed does have positive effects though. Shrooms are not bad either, you just get food poisoning. LSD is also less harmful to your body than opium is, being natural doesn’t necessarily mean it is more healthy.

Faces of Meth – well it seems like if you do meth you will look like you have been in a accident so dont do meth.