my lyfe with my dad

my lyfe with my dad – A video tribute to my life with my dad before he died from meth.


Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 10 Recap: Walt Refuses to Take His Family to
But, oh, the cries of that baby — a baby who, with typical Vince Gilligan meticulousness, has never once so much as sniffled in any of the previous seasons — as she transformed from an actual breathing girl to a nuclear football of anger and … Read more on Grantland (blog)

BREAKING BAD 5.10 'Buried'
She even has the nerve to get Todd (Jesse Plemons) to lead her out of the bunker meth lab with her eyes closed so she doesn't have to see the dead bodies of Declan (Louis Ferreira) and his men. And why did Lydia engineer this massacre? Because of a … Read more on Crave Online

Breaking Bad recap: Five things we learned on 'Buried'
It took Hank days of pouring over old case files to put the pieces together, but Marie figured it all out by staring into Skyler's eyes for just a few seconds. And when she realized that her sister had known about Walter's extra-cirricular duties for … Read more on