Clinics see spike in heroin addiction

Clinics see spike in heroin addiction
But for people with addictions, counselors say its best to get them treated quickly. "The longer a person is addicted to heroin or other opiates, the harder it is for them to come off of it," McGinn said. Yacobucci is going on his third week of … Read more on

Santa Fe City Council Approves New Model for Solving Drug and Property
LEAD identifies low-level opiate (pills and heroin) drug offenders for whom probable cause exists for an arrest and redirects them from jail and prosecution by immediately providing linkages to treatment and social supports including harm reduction and … Read more on eNews Park Forest

Books on Pain – Treatment for OCD & PTSD – Opioids Pain Management -Alternative Migraine Treatment – Witness of the power of opioids for treatment mental disorders and even migraines with associated chronic pain su…