Can we take legal action against my school?
Question by K {aspie}: Can we take legal action against my school?
Im 17 I have been diagnosed Aspergers, ADHD, Depression and anxiety. I also have a learning disability in math so im in sped class’s. I take longer to proses so I have an IEP. My IEP say things like “need partly written notes” “break when I get stressed” “extended time when needed” my school has never done any of this. I mean I had a few nice teachers that would try their hardest. Also they sent me a copy of my IEP in the mail and under Voc-Rehab it read “TJ has been accepted in voc rehab” Im not TJ nor have i been accepted into voc rehab. thats not all….
We need two art class’s to graduate. I have signed up for one every year and they never gave me one…so at my meeting they told my mom that in order for me to graduate on time with my class (im a junior) that my mom needs to pay for a private art class….,
Then my math teacher acts like a kid…we dont do work….he swears all the time….he talk on his cell….and today he tell me that I need to be more social and I dont have a reason to act like an idiot…I have freakin aspergers. he also video recorded my brother just because he wanted to show his funny laugh to his friends….my mom never signed
last of all I go online to my school website i have a user name and a password so I can check my grades all my onlin grades were dated 5-13 and I was passing with 3.5’s then at my meeting they tell me that im failing every subject…so I was blind sighted
We talked to teh superattendet im just wondering can my mom take
legal action for any of these issues
sorry about my spelling
Best answer:
Answer by lumberjackjohn
keep talking to the principal and make sure you get some proof of whats going on record him and then talk to a lawyer
Answer by Charlie
Definitly, talk to an attorney and make sure you have evidence or witnesses that can support everything you say.
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