Crowdmanagement; het effect van alcohol en drugs
Crowdmanagement; het effect van alcohol en drugs – Crowdmanagement; het effect van alcohol en drugs. Ninette van Hasselt (Trimbos Instituut, Programmahoofd Jongeren en vrije tijd) Crowdmanagement was eind 201…
ID For Nail Polish Remover No Longer Required At CVS
The stores will be notified about the chance by the end of Wednesday and it will take effect Thursday. CVS also owns Longs Drugs stores. However, they will still require IDs to buy acetone products in Hawaii and iodine … Iodine crystals, which are … Read more on WFMY News 2
Rethinking the 'war on drugs'
Nicholas Peart, one of the plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit that challenges the procedure as racially charged, wrote about his multiple experiences of being stopped and frisked in a New York Times op-ed piece. “These experiences changed the way I … Read more on MSNBC
A Comprehensive Guide to Cooking Meth on 'Breaking Bad'
Meth's psychostimulant effect does not seem to have been noticed until the mid-30s when Friedrich Hauschild discovered it at the Berlin based pharmaceutical company Temmler. By the … I2 crystals can be extracted from readily accessible disinfectants. Read more on VICE