YouTube videos show Mayor Rob Ford slurring words at Taste of the Danforth
YouTube videos show Mayor Rob Ford slurring words at Taste of the Danforth
“When I approached, he wasn't making much sense,” he said. “The mayor looked … Then in May, the Star and U.S. web site Gawker reported that reporters were shown a video that allegedly showed the mayor smoking crack cocaine. Gawker then started a … Read more on MetroNews Canada
Man accused of molesting child, giving her crack
Police reported that Epps coaxed the girl into the house, in which several people were reported to be on drugs or cooking crack, and then into a room alone with the door locked. The report states the Epps lit a crack pipe and offered it to her, but she … Read more on Gainesville Sun
Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford Smoking CRACK Pipe new leaked Video – REAL DEAL Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack video? YOU DECIDE | Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Crack Footage Leaked | Rob Ford Smoking Crack Raw Footage Relevant Tags: “M…