methadone withdrawal chronicle day 7

methadone withdrawal chronicle day 7 – my journey thru hell. quitting the clinic after 3 years of 100mg/day. cold turkey.


Dagga: some basic facts
Dagga looks a bit like the tobacco one can buy in shops. It consists of dry leaves of the cannabis sativa plant. The female plant contains seeds, which can be planted, but which are usually removed from the mixture before smoking it. The male plant … Read more on

Strode admits 'poor job' on some training
Shannon Finn, 34, died March 20, 2009, in an isolation cell, three days after being arrested on a probation violation. He was placed on a detox protocol after showing symptoms of alcohol withdrawal two days before being found unresponsive in his cell. Read more on Bowling Green Daily News

Novus Medical Detox Awarded Accreditation From The Joint Commission
Novus is known for putting dignity and humanity back into detox programs. Patients have 24/7 medical supervision, including round-the-clock nursing care and access to a withdrawal specialist, and enjoy comfortable private or shared rooms with a … Read more on PR Web (press release)