Why US v Blewett is the Obama Justice Department's greatest shame
Why US v Blewett is the Obama Justice Department's greatest shame
The differential treatment of crack cocaine and powder cocaine by America's criminal "justice" system has been exposed as discriminatory and admitted to be unfair. Yet, the secret nightmare continues for thousands of African Americans still in prison … Read more on Infoshop News
The New Jim Crow: A Must-Read for Every American
… under the drug war are would-be entrepreneurs trying to make money as small business people. They are selling illegal products like crack cocaine and heroin but they are, indeed, selling and many times show a gift for markets! … Alexander only … Read more on Huffington Post
Bad Science and the Drug War: Book Review, Interview With Carl Hart
The media craze around crack headlines was swirling to a fever pitch at the time – the late '80s and early '90s – and, Hart writes, "I became utterly convinced that crack cocaine was the cause of everything that I now saw as wrong with the neighborhood … Read more on Truth-Out