New Hampshire Board of nursing?

Question by Jayne: New Hampshire Board of nursing?
If one fails a pre employment drug screen in nh, is this reported to the BON? Even if this person doesn’t have a nh license?

Best answer:

Answer by monique
It all depends on the employer. There usually are no state laws that mandate that employers or potential employers “have” to report nurses to the BON who “fail” drug screenings. Due to the website I think that has opened up the communication lines with state BON’s. Some BON’s do share “information” with other states on issues regarding licensed nurses. I think there would be several factors at play as well when whether or not one decides to report…..and that would include the nature of the drug and the amount. If there was cocaine, meth or other illegal drugs found in the nurses system, that may prompt them to report to the BON versus the person had some Ativan in their system and no prescription.

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