How do people still not know they’re on “Intervention”?

Question by Justin: How do people still not know they’re on “Intervention”?
They tell the people theyre in a documentary about addiction, but how long is that going to work lol? If youre addicted to drugs/alcohol, and a film crew wants to follow you around, then most likely they are filming for the show haha

Best answer:

Answer by roydrowsy
I’d think if somebody was on drugs to the point where they required an intervention, “Am I On AMC’s Intervention” probably isn’t one of the more prevelant thoughts on their mind.

Answer by Roger
Let me let you in on a little secret, about 98% of all reality shows are totally scripted. Look at the credits for your favorite reality show if you don’t believe me, then ask yourself this, Why does a reality show need a staff of writers? They usually list them as “story producers.” Whatever that means.


drug addiction intervention –


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