should i contact her husband?
Question by ka_ce: should i contact her husband?
I know a girl who when her husband is out of town, she has other guys to her house and parties (does meth) with them, including my boyfriend. He says she doesn’t fool around with these guys but I have a feeling she does. She called my boyfriend the other night and asked him to come over to eat. He did but swears her husband was there at the time. What do you think? Should I contact her husband without telling him who I am and let him know these guys are there when he’s not around? These guys are supposed to be his friend too.
Best answer:
Answer by kamp1963
I have to say I would be suspicious if a gal is always having men over while her husband is away, Just keep an eye out.. maybe send an anomonoyus <---- incorrect spelling... letter to her husband.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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