How can you tell from looks Cocaine from Crack?

Question by Magicmarker: How can you tell from looks Cocaine from Crack?
I know that crack is a rock & cocaine is powder but sometimes Cocaine can come in a chunk, so how could you tell the difference from a crack rock & a chunk of cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by WesPyro
crack and cocaine are the same thing

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HOW 2 MAKE FAKE CRACK Medium – Informercial for aspiring filmmakers looking to cut cost on movie props.


CCSO seizes drugs, guns and cash in Port Charlotte raid

Filed under: crack cocaine rocks

-1 rock of Crack cocaine found inside a baby's sock. All three were transported to the Charlotte County Jail. Rogers was charged with Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute, Possession of Cocaine, and Possession of Narcotics Equipment …
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Police, community and calendar briefs for Feb. 1, 2013

Filed under: crack cocaine rocks

He was disappointed when only a small amount of cash was found, and the money was used to buy four rocks of crack cocaine that were consumed by him and Carter, according to reports. Carter was arrested Saturday and charged with principle in the first …
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