Strong Families Help Kids to “Just Say No”
Strong Families Help Kids to “Just Say No” – The intact family appears to act as a protective factor against substance abuse among young people. Living with married biological or adoptive parents is associated with a lower risk of adolescent substance abuse, including smoking, drinking, and drug use.
National Addictions Awareness Week – Prescription drug abuse: A serious …
Filed under: adolescent substance abuse
Prescription drug abuse is prevalent among adolescent drug abusers, many of whom raid their parents' medicine cabinets and help themselves to what they find. They may also be given prescriptions by doctors who are unaware that they are abusing other …
Read more on Canada NewsWire (press release)
Zucker Hillside Hospital celebrates opening of new 0 million inpatient pavilion
Filed under: adolescent substance abuse
The new two-story pavilion has three adult units totaling 56 beds for adults suffering from depression, mood and affective disorders, and substance abuse, a 21-bed adolescent unit, and two geriatric units totaling 38 beds designated for clients with …
Substance abuse is norm for kids
Filed under: adolescent substance abuse
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, executive director, Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses (SPYM), an NGO working towards eradicating drug abuse, shares, “We provide effective measures to encourage shaping the attitudes of school kids toward self-confidence.
Read more on Deccan Herald