Addictive Personalities
Article by Tibor A. Palatinus
Drug abuse or other substance abuse is often a sign of an underlying problem.
An addictive personality: relies on drugs to solve problems. While a co-dependent person relies on other people to solve problems. These definitions begin to explain why drug addicts continue to abuse substances and why some people stay in abusive relationships that destroy them and others.
Addiction to heroin, cocaine, meth, pharmacy, alcohol and other drugs indicate underlying and unresolved issues. But which problem do you handle first, the drug addiction or the addictive personality?
To understand how to properly end abusive and destructive behavior one should first get a picture of what these personalities looks like. Understand that drug abusers are driven by underlying problems they are out of contact with; despite denial or how charming, interesting or enthusiastic the person acts while engaging in automatic or compulsive behavior.
Anyone can dramatize for momentary periods. The key to determining if that indicates a problem personality is do they have the majority of the behaviors OR is the behavior causing the individual and others greater harm than benefit? If the answer is YES, there is a problem.
The best way of determining how much harm the addictive personality is creating in their and other peoples lives is to gauge their potential value next to their current standard of living or conduct. If their potential success is being held back because of these characteristics, then they’ve got underlying issues to deal with that won’t be solved by drugs, gambling, sex, being control freaks or beating others up.
Addictive Personality Traits
compulsive or obsessive need to feel in control of everything in their liveslacks self control and exceeds limits in many thingshas a chaotic and frantic behaviorloves to gamble and take risks to escape reality or challenges in lifehas drug or alcohol abuse problemssmokes weed daily, this is an addictionswitches vices: quits drinking and goes to drugs or obsessive sex, etc. Think Lindsay Lohan
Often a person will ‘hang onto’ these characteristics despite damaging consequences as they firmly believe they need to continue them in order to be successful or survive or feel well or have fun, etc. Computations like these are not something to argue over with a person who has them. They believe they need to do these to survive, right?
They can’t afford to lose the argument, so just use this list to assess yourself or another and insure proper action is taken. A holistic rehab program can be done to fully address the underlying issues driving that behavior.
Do You Handle The Addictive Personality or Drug Addiction First?
Handling either the addiction or the addictive personality without handling the other doesn’t work very well for very long. The addiction or the personality characteristics will sabotage all the good work you or they’ve done. But don’t use that as an excuse not to do something. Any effort is better than none.
The best way to fully resolve the addictive personality is to investigate good holistic long-term drug rehab programs that handle the underlying causes of the addiction or the addictive traits that got the person’s life so dependent on drugs and kept them down.
Addictive personalities are not something to be proud of, they are indicators of unresolved issues. Think of these characteristic traits as blessings as they are indicators to help you discover and solve the very things that are sabotaging someones life. More drugs or excuses or labels don’t solve addictive personalities, but effective and holistic rehab sure can.
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Tibor A. Palatinus, CCDC, is the Director of a Drug / Alcohol Detox and Rehab Consultancy which specializes in Referring Clients to Drug-free Detox and Rehab Programs which End Addiction for Life.
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