In theory is it possible to have a Airsoft “spring crank”?

Question by Collin S: In theory is it possible to have a Airsoft “spring crank”?
By spring crank I am referring to an idea that I had. It would be a small lever much like the switches often used to change firing modes on airsoft guns. This switch of course would not be switching firing modes but instead would be tightening the spring to make it shoot faster/harder.

While I know it is very possible to have such a crank I want to know if there are any Airsoft gun models with the capability of being modified in such a way.

If there is no such model then please, if you can, tell me a model that comes closest to my specifications.
Obviously I was misunderstood. I want to make a lever that I can twist so that the FPS is increased of decreased accordingly. Notice: I want to >Make<, not buy, but make. Best answer:

Answer by worty24
no nothing like that exists

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