Local Attorney Graduates From National College For DUI Defense; Obtains Certification In Standardized Field Sobriety Testing

Attorney Louise Duckwall

Birmingham, AL (PRWEB) August 29, 2008

To competently defend those charged with Alabama Driving Under the Influence, it is important for a DUI Defense attorney to continue to educate him or herself regarding the ever-changing laws and procedures surrounding this complex area of practice. Louise Duckwall, a Birmingham, Alabama DUI Lawyer, recently attended the NHTSA/IACP Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioner Course in Seattle, Washington as well as the National College for DUI Defense Summer Session at Harvard Law in Boston, Massachusetts in order to further her knowledge in the area of Alabama DUI Laws defense.

The arrest decision in an Alabama DUI Laws Violation case is usually made during or after the officer’s administration of the field sobriety tests. Even the slightest error on the officer’s part can eliminate the predicted reliability of the test results. Through the NHTSA/IACP Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioner Course, Ms. Duckwall gained extensive knowledge and is now certified to administer field sobriety tests – the same tests the police conduct when making an arrest decision. Through the 24 hour training certification course, Ms. Duckwall learned about the background of the tests, how to properly administer the tests, and the scoring mechanism involved. The tools Ms. Duckwall learned from her training session enable her to better assist citizens arrested for Alabama DUI Charges.

The National College for DUI Defense’s three day summer program this year was centered around opening and closing arguments, persuasive voir dire, and issues regarding the ethics of persuasion. Along with interactive lectures, Alabama DUI Lawyer Louise Duckwall practiced persuasive openings, closings, and questioning experts through small breakout sessions. This practice and individual attention from instructors helped Ms. Duckwall hone her skills for making persuasive arguments in the courtroom, an invaluable skill required in the practice of defending those charged with Alabama Driving Under the Influence.

Drinking to the point of impairment and driving is dangerous and should not be condoned. Education and treatment of alcohol abuse are the most effective solutions to curb the systemic problem of multiple offense DUI offenders in Alabama. With education and treatment, we can help to make the roads and highways of Alabama safe for all of us and our families.

Ms. Duckwall received her Juris Doctorate from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University. She joined Kreps Law Firm, LLC, located in Vestavia Hills, in 2007. The firm serves the entire State of Alabama focusing on the defense of those charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI), drug charges, traffic violations, and other criminal charges.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Louise Duckwall, please call Kreps Law Firm, LLC at (205) 824-6545, or email Louise at louise @ krepslawfirm.com or visit our Alabama DUI Website at www.BirminghamDUIAttorney.com .

“No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.”
