Astrology of Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix’s birth time is unknown, so I had to rectify it. I used 3 factors to determine this: his physical appearance, his qualities, and the events of his life. Even though he is handsome he has what is known as a “microform lip”, a very light and modified harelip. The Moon pada between 6 degrees 40 minutes and 10 degrees Pisces(vedic) states that the native is “thin and of good ,gentle qualities; follows the right path and is of vast knowledge.” The major event of his life was his 1st major acting role in “space Camp” which was released in June, 1986, and this same year was the beginning of his 17 year mercury period. Joaquin has a strong Mercury in his 3rd house of talents, along with exalted, but combusted Venus and stron Mars. This cluster gives him ot only his acting ability, but also his writing ability. Even though his Moon in the 8th house of secrets, causes possible psychological imbalances, the Moon in the 8th may also account for his deep psychological charisma. He once said in a NY times interview (9/05) “I understand darkness.” In the 12th divisional chart (dwadasamsa), you will notice Rahu in the 12th position to both the Ascendant and the Moon, and this leads to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). It is an historical fact that Joaquin admitted himself for alcohol rehabilitation in April 2005. He is presently in a 7 yr Ketu period (2003-2010), with Ketu in the 10th house, possibly leading to an intense spiritual period. It was