Where do you take your teenage drug addicted son to get help in NJ?

Question by frjk: Where do you take your teenage drug addicted son to get help in NJ?
We have had the police, DYFS, JSMC (local hospital), crisis intervention, my insurance company and a million people spoken to. Nothing. There is nowhere in NJ. My son is out of control on prescription pain killers, pot, alcohol and who knows what and there is no place in NJ that will take him unless he wants help. Even though he is a minor at age 17. They will not take him unless he says he needs help. Some new laws or something. We are going crazy as he wastes his life away. Anyone, please help!

Best answer:

Answer by xilyTrillyx We <3 Tara J
I hope this link helps;
If you can’t find any rehab that’ll accept him
just search for a NA meeting in your town, there like in every town.
OR you could cross over to PA and go to philly the have to have places for that, i mean it’s the city.

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