I need to file custody papers for my daughter.. how can I go about getting sole custody for minimal cost?

Question by ceaz: I need to file custody papers for my daughter.. how can I go about getting sole custody for minimal cost?
My daughter’s father and I broke up almost 3 years ago. We tried to do a joint custody thing but the law firm we went through went under before the papers were filed and now there is nothing legally declaring that she lives with me only. Since we split, he’s been on a downward spiral. He has been in and out of the psych ward at the hospital. I’ve had to call 911 during suicide attempts and have walked in on him shooting up cocaine. He went to rehab and was better for about a month, got a REALLY good job making 50 to 70 thousand a year (talk about second chances). He relapsed, quit his job and moved back to Texas (which is where my daughter and I live) supposedly to go back to rehab. He’s been here for a couple of days but is again doing drugs. He has no address to serve papers to and I have no idea where he is. I know I can put an ad in the newspaper to make him aware of the impending custody arrangements.. can anyone give me a step by step guide on how to do all this? I really need all this taken care of as soon as possible. It would be greatly appreciated.
no no.. my daughter lives with me. There’s just no legal document cementing that as the only place she lives. He has not seen her in over 3 months and has no place of residence. I’m just asking what the steps are to get the papers filed and get sole custody.
her father and I were never married

Best answer:

Answer by Bob D
go to a paralegal.if you got the time,and request what you need.also,you can have the court request visitation if you want (ask for supervised)..he will have to pay.or file the papers yourself.and save yourself money.

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