Do you believe that America’s health care system is designed more for profit rather than treatment/curing?

Question by Nuts for Liberty: Do you believe that America’s health care system is designed more for profit rather than treatment/curing?

It seems like every time you get sick and go to the doctor they write you off with prescription drugs that often cost a good chunk of change even with insurance, and most of the time cause more adverse effects than actually treating what it’s suppose too.

Also we have so many diseases in America and cancer, yet with all the money dumped into research we’ve still not have cures. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are pretty much the only choices you get if you have cancer unless you’ve got millions and afford experiments treatments.

Chemotherapy and radiation also make hospitals and doctors SHIT tons of money despite being ineffective as all hell, often causing more distress on the patients than actually treating their disease. Based on my personal experience with family members, I’ve seen chemo and radiation drain the life from people much faster than the cancer would – and recently my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The cancer didn’t kill her the treatments did.

And to top it all off 75% of oncologists would refuse chemotherapy because of its high toxicity and ineffectiveness. Yet they are perfectly happy to pour this poison into their patients – merely for profit, as is the standard insinuation.

I’m in no way defending Obama’s health care agenda so don’t bring it up. I’m against our current system and Obama’s agenda – so please omit those comments. I strongly believe that the government controlled FDA and pharmaceutical industry are the cause even more so when our representatives are lobby fodder to insurance companies and corporations, who often serve in their best interest and not OURS.


Best answer:

Answer by too many names to decide from
of course it is for profit, why do you think they were so against equal health care for all americans. insurance companies like it when you die so they can just collect your money for their beach house and caviar with champagne parties.
i know from experience. i have been fighting lupus for 8 years now and they were just waiting til i died and kept over charging me for services and medicines that i didn’t really need. politicians are evil

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