Like Fine Wine?

Question by Roland: Like Fine Wine?
Why do some Protestant Churches choose to use “grape juice,” instead of real wine when celebrating the Lord’s Supper? I’ve noticed this trend in about all Churches of Christ that I’ve visited, and most of the Baptist Churches too. It’s a known fact that 90% of Christians who belong to these Churches imbibe of the spirits, so what’s the big deal, and what Biblical scriptures are used to support the idea of grape juice? Afterall, they regularly drank beer and wine in the Bible days, and yes, it did contain alcohol.

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin S
I think it’s because most things are considered to be sins in the Bible if they are explicitly mentioned as such, and when you get a gray area like a bit of wine, it’s probably safest to assume that’s a sin too if you’re that terrified of your God.

What an odd relationship people have with their creator.

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