Alcohol Addiction Relationship question?

Question by sweetgirl: Alcohol Addiction Relationship question?
My boyfriend of over a year is just starting to withdrawl from alcohol and says doesn’t want to talk to or see anyone right now. I now he needs his space but I would like for him to at leas let me know what is going and make sure he is ok. Has anyone ever been with someone who is recovering from alcohol addiction do things completly change.

Best answer:

Answer by Mennox
i think the most important thing with alcohol addiction is support, but if the person with the alcohol problem doesnt thing he has a problem or doesnt want any support then it will be very hard to help them.

Though from my experience (my uncle is an alcoholic which was caused years ago when he accidently hit a schoolgirl playing chicken when he was on his motorcycle)…i personally feel he did not have enough support from family and experts and has spireled to this day. He is only 50 and the only reason he has lasted so long was he was a bodybuilder.

If he wants support and your willing to give it, then that will help him loads.

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