If McCain is Elected, will the cost of Percocet and Vicodin come Down?
Question by Preston P: If McCain is Elected, will the cost of Percocet and Vicodin come Down?
In 1989, Cindy McCain became addicted to opioid painkillers such as Percocet and Vicodin, which she initially took to alleviate pain following two spinal surgeries for ruptured discs and to ease emotional stress during the Keating Five affair. The addiction progressed to where she was taking upwards of twenty pills a day and she resorted to stealing drugs from her own AVMT. During 1992, Tom Gosinski, the director of government and international affairs for AVMT, discovered her drug theft. Subsequently in 1992, her parents staged an intervention to force her to get help; she told her husband about her problem, attended a drug treatment facility, began outpatient sessions, and ended her three years of active addiction. A hysterectomy in 1993 resolved her back pain.
In January 1993, McCain terminated Gosinski’s employment on grounds of budgetary reasons. In spring 1993, Gosinski tipped off the Drug Enforcement Administration to investigate.
Best answer:
Answer by asdfjkl
nope, but if obama is elected crack and blow jobs would be legal
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